social license (scl)

the collaborative software rhizomZ is under a social-software-license.

what is a social license software?

the last years have shown, that everybody is exploite the opensource-software community and at the end us, as developers. there are too much neoliberals freeriders out there. it is time to stop this exploitation and their laughs on us sharing social goods. and it can't be that people optimise their wins on the shoulder of use and not giving something back or at least share our ideas.

therefore the rhizomZ is under a social license. means: in principle the usage of the software is free. exception are people and companies that act against humans and humanity and are making money with this software. if you are one of this persons and companies you have to pay for the usage.

license for rhizomZ-software

principle: free
- everybody
- people, who are producing and setting content free for everybody
- all people and instutions working in research and education (exceptions: hayek-/mises-/milton-institutes)

exceptions: have to pay
- companies, that make money withis software
- people thinking, that only wants freedom for the own community.
- neoliberals, which are thinking, that not everybody should have the right of same chances in education.
- every freerider