
the rhizomZProtocol is open source and free for every usage!

the rhizomZProtocol is a simple protocol, that you can embed in every webpage. you can just add special meta-tags. it goes over the functionality of opengraph, you can define the content of page with several type of objects and define the relation inbetween. of course you can also address remote objects.

or in other words: "the idea is, that every page is an object with content and relation to other pages. the rhizom tags define on meta the relations and allow also to use them."

the rhizomZ-object

minimal usage:

<meta name="rhizomz:type" content="text">
<meta name="rhizomz:typesub" content="plain">

<meta name="rhizomz:title" content="How wikipedia works">
<meta name="rhizomz:argument" content="Wikipedia+was+once+started+because">

of course you can expand this with more content:

but not enough you can also start to define the relations between this object and other objects inside your portal or outside.

in rhizomz there is an integrated protocol-reader. you can try it here.

the website https://www.vintagecomputing.ch

looks in the rhizomZ-metatags like this:

so all content is embed in the html code.